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Traditional Marketing V.S. Digital Marketing: Is Traditional Marketing Off the Table?

Alejandra | October 5, 2021

Picture these two sets in your head right now:


(1) Billboards, magazines, and fliers 

(2) Social media ads, emails, and an Instagram page 

Which of the two sets do you prefer to use? We’re guessing that it’s the second set. However, should you completely forget about the first set?

As of January 2020, there are more than 73.00 million social media users in the Philippines, while 3.8 billion comprise the entire world. Almost everyone you know is on the internet. It’s developing every day by coming up with new features that are trending online.

As the internet continually develops, conventional marketing strategies are being forgotten. It’s getting difficult to reach audiences and place these traditional ads where the crowd flocks. But looking at this in another way, we’d say that this old school marketing strategy still has its capabilities.

So instead of pinning the issue as Traditional Marketing v.s. Digital Marketing, what you have to ask yourself is this: 

How can I combine old and new marketing strategies to get the full capacity of my business’ potential?

Here’s what we know: 

Traditional Marketing 

  1. Print media
  2. Main reach: local audiences 
  3. Eye-catching content
  4. Not online
  5. Pricier 
  6. No real-time interaction

Digital Marketing

  1. Social Media
  2. Real-time interaction to a broad audience 
  3. Easy access
  4. Dependent on technology 
  5. Specific measures on some platforms and websites 
  6. Visible and viral customer complaints 

We all know that for a business to thrive, it has to adapt to changes in the market. Businesses that grew from the foundation of marketing using print media had a major shift once the internet took the stage. It completely transformed their plans, so they could relate to their audience and “get in with the times.” Online marketing strategies, social media techniques, maintaining online platforms – it’s certainly a lengthy process, but the transformation gave companies a new look and even grew their market. 


The two marketing strategies essentially need each other for a business to reach its full impact on people. What we’re saying here is that you have to be clever enough to know how and when to incorporate both types of strategies. It’s all about the right balance.

For instance, a magazine could contain information about the website of your company, or a poster on the sidewalk could be so utterly eye-catching that it makes you take out your phone to visit a company’s Facebook page. 

Here’s another example: QR Codes

These codes are everywhere, on tables, menus, even the front doors of small kiosks. These small pixelated squares have more power than the piece of paper or poster that holds it. These codes just add a whole new level of efficiency.

This is the type of connection between the two that your business has to foster.

Understand that it’s all about how you use it, incorporate it, and sell it. 


So, don’t leave out old marketing strategies. Instead, use it to elevate and strengthen your new marketing techniques. Need some examples? Check out how we did just that through our portfolio! if you want to learn more about it, click on the services deepconnex offers here. 

Now allow us to end with this: traditional marketing had its fair share in the spotlight. But in this innovative digital age, It has to go just one step down and give its spotlight to digital marketing.

So with all that being said, what’s your take on the two marketing strategies? Who would you give the spotlight to? Give it a thought!


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