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How to Use Memes in Social Media Marketing

Alejandra | August 17, 2022

At times, don’t you get bored of scrolling through those general ad posts you see on social media?

We bet you even ignore them or click on that little x mark to make it disappear whenever they pop up.

Because sure, it serves its purpose, but can it possibly be more engaging than that? Of course, it can! And sometimes, all you need is a little humor.

So let’s talk about memes and social media marketing.

When you market your business or product with humor, this will be able to engage those hard-to-reach consumers.

If they see something that makes them laugh, big chances are they’d give it a click and want to know more.

Keep this in mind: not everything has to be serious.

Instead, you need to understand that everything has to be engaging and relatable, yet informative.

Not to mention, meme marketing is absolutely low cost since there are already numerous templates out there.

Plus, have you seen the memes on social media these days? It’s as if the more “low-quality design” it has, the more it’ll catch someone’s attention.

Do you get what we mean? It’s ironic, really, but in the funniest and best way possible.

Your job now is that you just have to use all these meme templates and product content strategically.

So continue going through this blog and we’ll tell you how to use memes in social media marketing.


Get in with the trends

According to Forbes, “Memes are the internet speak of millennials. Over three billion people use social media, and at least 60% of them use it for content that’s funny.”

We like to believe that memes would never die down, only some trends.

This is why you have to scout for the most recent meme themes and templates being used.

You have to take the time to understand how the meme is used (yes, we mean this). Because believe it or not, it’s possible for you to misuse a meme to the point it just won’t make sense.

And you wouldn’t like that because the goal of this whole strategy is to engage and relate it to consumers as much as possible.

By keeping that in mind, expect more shares and clicks!

Next blog you may be interested in:  9 Social Media Trends of 2021 And Beyond 

Remember to match the meme with your brand

Creating memes are fun, but don’t lose sight of your brand and most especially your goal. 

Memes leverage on popular social occurrences, satire, or even nostalgia. So, you have to study the balance of incorporating this humor into your brand and product advertisements.

Always stay on the right track– maintain brand consistency.

Some memes can cross boundaries. There are instances where they’re rude or just plain offensive.

You wouldn’t want your brand associating with this, so be aware and experiment with the memes you’re planning to post as much as you can.


Opt to be original

Think, where did memes come from?

From regular people who thought of something funny, from a simple, everyday situation, or even just by staring at an object or seeing a clip from a show and relating it to real life.

You see, you can make a meme out of anything. So why not make one specifically for your business?


Although, it’s true that it can be a bit more challenging, It’s worth it since it’ll be much more innovative and it’ll stick to the minds of your consumers.

And here’s a useful tip, get the audience working too.

What we mean is, have them involved.

You can put up a contest for them to share witty pictures with your product, or ask them to curate memes that your business will end up posting with their permission.

This will have your engagements skyrocket. 

So in conclusion…

We’ll leave you with this: humor is universally appreciated.

Sharing a laugh and making it relatable is what connects people, what’s more online. 

In an age where generating engagements on social media is becoming quite challenging, memes have the power to build that connection by making your brand more relatable and human.

Trust us when we say it’s an effective strategy. It’s creative, popular, and authentic.

Now, after all that, what’s your take on using memes for social media marketing? Would you try it?

Let us know, we’d love to hear you out!

And if you’re looking to invest in our social media marketing services, you can check the link here!


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