deepconnex Dictionary

Dictionary Icon
With the earliest method being XMLHttpRequest (XHR), this is a type of API Object that provides client-side functionality to retrieve data from the server without the need of refreshing the page.
Analytics Reports
This helps you get an overview of your current audience, active users who visit your site, a segmented group of users based on acquisition date for cohort analysis, interests, demographics, geo, mobile, users flow, benchmarking, custom audience, behavior, and technology.
The characteristics of a page element. It focuses on web design, such as font size or the color of the text.
This is measured in bits per second (bps). It evaluates the amount of data a website uses during specific periods. This evaluation can be affected by the traffic that a website receives.
A type of website that is run by an individual or group that contains discussions or informational content written in a conversational and informal style and is updated regularly. This is also a big boost for your SEO.
Bounce Rate
The percentage of visitors that leave your website without visiting any other pages within it. The visitors stick to the page where they first arrived on.
A secondary navigation guide that helps users understand the different areas of the website, giving them an easier time to shift from one page to another, or to go back to where they started.
Web browser. An application software that presents the World Wide Web to the user
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. This tool is enabled to distinguish a human user from a bot or computer user.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
A system that’s used to add style and format the layout of web pages.
Contact Form
A web page or a form on a webpage that allows your customers to input their usual contact details like their name, email address, comments, and what they want. This also helps lessen spam and keeps your website safe and protected.
Contact Web Developer (24/7)
This means you can contact your assigned web developer for concerns, insights, or complaints at any time.
Content Management System (CMS)
A software that aids the user in managing and creating content in their website without the use of technicalities. The main focus of the user here isn’t the coding side, but the more forward-facing parts of the website.
ID tags that are located on your browser directory. These small text files are used to keep track of movement within the site and other customization functions.
Domain Name System. The central part of the internet that provides a way to match the website you’re searching for to the address for that specific website.
Design Mockup
A full-sized model of a design; a prototype of the website that provides at least a part of the performance and purpose of the system.
These names or labels are used to identify IP addresses on the internet.
Dynamic Content
Dynamic content is another word for adaptive content where a website’s contents and features change based on the activity and/or preferences of the user.
A web server that can manage an online store setting where consumers can easily buy and sell products or services. This refers to the buying and selling of services or products and other commercial transactions on the internet including the transmission of data and money to carry out the transactions.
Embedded Style
They’re encased in <style> tags and are embedded at the head of the document. Every page of your website needs an embedded style sheet to make a site-wide change.
The small image that appears next to your website’s name. These icons appear in areas, such as your browser tab.
Hypertext Markup Language. The code is used to structure and create a web page together with organizing its content.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The protocol giving users a way to interact with data over the web, which includes resources like HTML files.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This focuses on protecting the integrity of data exchange between a website and the user’s browser, which is done by obtaining a special SSL/TLS Certificate from the website’s server.
Web Hosting. This hosting service provides the technologies needed for the website to be seen on the internet.
Inventory Management
Process of using a company’s inventory for purposes of supervising and overseeing purchases and stocks of the products or services that they are selling.
Landing Page
The main purpose of this page is to convert your visitors into leads. It contains an area wherein your visitor could input their information in exchange for an offer. This is also their response to your call to action.
Live Chat
This refers to clients and customers interacting with customer service personnel when they visit a website in real-time. This is used to answer queries from prospects and clients by the customer support staff.
This navigation structure ensures that your visitors can go through the networks of information contained in your website with ease. These are often organized into a menu to see the clear breakdown of sections.
Newsletter Integration
This is a productive way to disseminate information and communicate regularly to a wide cluster of customers and clients. The information sent via newsletters can provide huge value when interesting content relates to the clients, thus promoting sales.
Online Payment
This refers to money that is electronically exchanged through your website for the product that your customer is shopping for.
Open Source
A software development that makes its source code available to end-users. This source code can legally be distributed to other programs.
Photo Gallery
A room for a collection and exhibition of photographs.
A software component that enables an application to perform a specific additional feature to its existing program. A common example would be Adobe Flash Player.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy is informing users and customers regarding the collection and use of their personal data such as names and email addresses. This serves to protect the clients.
This would make your website load and adjust automatically to optimize for different screen sizes, be it a phone or a laptop.
SEO optimized
Figure out what your customers are looking for. Optimize your page for keywords. Make certain that your website is accessible both to humans and search engines. Link other websites to your site and measure the success of your SEO.
SSL Certificate
Security Sockets Layer. This technology enables encrypted communication between a web server and a browser. An SSL certificate is installed on a server and encrypts the data that is being conveyed or transmitted like sensitive information.  It also authenticates the identity of the website. This is when you see a URL have an HTTPS instead of an HTTP.
Search Engine Submissions
This is an action of fashioning a request to a search engine to be incorporated into its index for web promotion.
Shopping Cart
This is a system that allows a customer to locate and purchase multiple products or services on a website.
Social Media Integration
A software is used to promote all communication channels on your website. This would allow a user to post to all social media accounts all at once under one platform and would be easily used, shared, and explored.
Stock Photos
These are photographs of different things which are related to a certain theme and are used for various applications, commonly for commercial purposes, photos sent by you that would be showcased on the website, and photos that are custom made by our graphic designer to fit your goals. Stock photos are commonly used on websites as backgrounds, covers, or decorations, but not limited to them as some may be used for a specific function in the process of engaging visitors.
A text file that focuses on the structure and comprehensive layout of the web page.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions exist to protect a business owner and his/her company in case of litigation and abuse.
User Experience (UX)
A specialization of web design that focuses on the behavior of the user while using the website or application.
User Interface (UI)
Another facility of web design that handles the controls visitors use to interact with the website or application, such as button displays.
Website Security
This kind of program is designed to protect a website from certain attacks that can slow down or even crash your website. When these attacks happen and you’re not protected, this will prevent visitors from accessing your site, or worse, visitors may be a target of cyberattacks as well.
A blueprint for the layouts that outline the size and placement of the site features of your website.
Analytics Reporting
This helps you get an overview of your current audience, active users who visit your site, a segmented group of users based on acquisition date for cohort analysis, interests, demographics, geo, mobile, users flow, benchmarking, custom audience, behavior, and technology.
Anchor Text
The visible and clickable text that hyperlinks unveil. The result is for this to appear as a blue underlined text in your website or content.
One-way links. These link one website directly to a page from another website. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to receive high organic search engine rankings.
Black Hat
Tactics that are against a search engine’s terms and policies that can result in banning the site from other search engines.
Blog Optimization
Blog optimization is making sure your blog is responsive, mobile-friendly, search engine optimized, and has an overall great user experience.
Bounce Rate
Used for web traffic analysis, this is the percentage of individuals that leave a web page without performing any action, such as clicking on an image or purchasing a product or service
Branded Keyword
A word or phrase that includes your website’s brand name, making it unique to your domain.
A snapshot of a web page that Google takes and stores after the page is indexed and filed.
Canonical Link
Using an HTML element called the canonical link will help prevent identical content issues from showing in numerous URLs. Specifying the canonical or recognized versions of a web page will help block duplicate issues and boost a site’s SEO.
Utilized to increase page views on websites. Headlines and web page titles are often focused on to lure the attention of the reader.
The first step of having your page recognized by a search engine. It will initially be viewed by bots to read and go through the page.
A method to disallow a search engine from indexing your web page.
Domain Unification
Merging two remarkable domains into one single site. Combining the competent areas of each site will create a site that may rank even higher on SEO and have more searches.
Duplicate Content
Identical content that appears in more than one place. This could be labeled as internal duplicate content (duplicated in one domain) or external duplicate content (duplicated in two or more domains).
External Link
Hyperlinks that are directed to another domain.
Featured Snippet
Short pieces of text appearing at the top of Google’s search results that rapidly answer a user’s question.
This is a method of conveying various advertisements and contents to clients and customers based on their geographic location. Geotargeting focuses on target markets in certain locations but should be done with the right content and at the right time for it to be successful.
Google My Business
Google My Business is created by Google for free to help businesses oversee their online presence on the Google platform. By claiming ownership of your Google My Business listing, you can fill it with detailed information and can be output by Google into various prime and principal places with high online visibility.
Google Search Console
A Google web service that lets webmasters optimize the visibility of their websites and check listing status.
Google Trends
A search feature that displays the frequency and popularity of a search term. It presents if the trend is rising or declining.
Google Webmaster
A free service that assists your website through insights on how it could be improved or to notify you on issues that need immediate attention.
Gray Hat
A mix of both black hat and white hat. The method used is to search for the weak points of the system without prior permission. Once the vulnerabilities are found, the owner can either allow it to be fixed (for a price) or the hacker will expose the faulty system to the public.
Guest Posting
Guest posting pertains to the idea that an individual would write and publish an article on someone else's platform, as a guest for that person’s/firm’s audience.
Heading Tags
Considered as the outline of your content. Using code, informs the web browser how to exactly display your content on the web page.
Hidden Text
Text that’s unseen from a user’s point of view, but visible for Google crawlers.
Image Alt Text
By adding alt text to your image, it increases web accessibility. Images should be named properly with alt text and file names typically for the search engine crawlers to read them. The alt text and file names also serve as descriptions for the image.
Inbound Link
Internal Links. A link on your website that links or directs you to another page that’s still within your website.
This contains all the details on the websites that Google was able to search for. Simply put, if a certain website isn’t on the search engine’s index, the users wouldn’t be able to find it.
Internal Linking Restructuring
This refers to internal links that link one page to another on the same domain, allowing users to navigate the website. They can set up a hierarchy on your site.
Words or phrases that revolve around the main idea of your content.
Keyword Density
This is in terms of the number of times (in percent) a keyword or phrase appears on a page, relative to the total number of words on that page. This is highly important to reduce keyword stuffing.
Keyword Optimization
Exploring, examining, and selecting the right keywords can steer eligible traffic from a search engine to your website.
Keyword Rank Analysis
This pertains to the particular keyword rankings that are being used in your post/website.
Keyword Research
This refers to mining for essential competitive keywords on certain categories such as terms for the brand, product, replacement product, interrelated products, and rival terms.
Keyword Stuffing
Overstating and overemphasizing the keyword/s on a web page just for the reason of climbing on the search engine’s ranking system.
Link Baiting
This is similar to click-baiting in the context of the content being designed for people (content producers and/or audience) to link to it.
Linkable Content
This is a link that people post on their platforms which would lead back to your website. These posts can come in the form of infographics, guides, articles, and the like.
Local Search Optimization
This refers to optimizing your website presence to attract more customers to a certain location or the location where your business is.
Long-Tail Keyword
More specific keyword phrases that consist of three to five, or even more words.
SEO Metadata refers to what is seen on the SERP or Search Engine Results Page. This has the Meta title of the page and the Meta description. A website or page that is optimized for user-intent keywords should have distinctive and striking metadata for what the page is about to get chances of getting keyword traffic.
Monthly SERPs Ranking
This is how your page ranks on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP); in other words, how good your page ranks on search engines like Google, Bing, and the like.
Negative Keyword
A keyword that prevents your ad or campaign from being targeted. It won’t be shown to anyone who’s searching for that specific word or phrase.
Nofollow Attribute
Links created with the nofollow link HTML tag that doesn’t count as a point in your web page but have the benefit of normalizing your link profile.
Noindex Tag
Instructs search engines to not incorporate your selected page in search results. The procedure is to add a tag in the headers of the HTML.
Off-Page SEO
The main focus is to grow the authority and popularity of your age through backlinks from other websites.
On-Page SEO
Optimizing the aspects of your website that are within your control. It primarily focuses on the parts concerning your page.
Outbound Link
External Links. A link that leads the user to content outside the domains of your website.
Permalink Structure
This is the web address or full URL that is used to link to your content. This should never change and should remain permanent. However, settings to permalink structure can be assigned. This is what users and search engines see when cruising through your site.
Personal account representative
A personal account representative is somebody that will directly manage and optimize your SEO results.
Pillar Article Creation
From its name, this type of content serves as a basis or ‘pillar’ that holds up a larger picture or abstraction of topics.
The act of sending users and search engines to a different URL from the one initially requested. Some examples would be 301: Moved Permanently, 302: Found, and 307: Moved Temporarily
Rich Snippet
Additional points of information that inform the searcher on the value of that specific page. It’s often through the form of ratings, reviews, and pricing.
Robots.txt is a text file that tells the search engines what to crawl (to go and not to go) on your site. It lists all the content you want to keep away from search engines or you could instruct them which content they are allowed to crawl. GoogleBot is a user agent where a search engine can identify with. Your robots.txt can set directives for  a user-agent to follow. Crawlers only follow the directives declared by the user agent.
Schema Mapping
This refers to the relationships between data and how it is transfigured between various instances.
Links to other pages that are visible under some Google search results.
URLs list a sitemap (which is an XML file) for a site. This is the list of website content that aids web engine searches to recognize your website and makes navigation for users easier.
Trust Rank
Used for evaluating the legitimacy of core ranking signals through content and links. It filters trustworthy resources from those that are not.
URL Parameter
Query Strings. Structures information given from a URL. It aids in traffic tracking by sorting content on the web page.
Universal SEO (Video, Maps, Images, News)
Universal search, also known as enhanced search, is the consolidation of supplementary media like images, maps, news, product listings, and videos that show over and above search engines. Searches appear as “boxes” parting them from other SERP components.
User Intent
Search Intent. The goal that a user has when inputting their query or search term into a search engine.
Web Copy
This means optimizing your page for preferable search engine positioning. The web copy is the essential text that leads users to your website and lets them know what they need to know about your page, your products, and your services. It is copywriting for the web.
Website Authority
The strength of a domain. The stronger it is, the more authoritative it is.
Website Load Time
This is the time it takes for the contents of a page to display on your browser or screen. The quicker a web service or site loads, the greater the connection and engagement rates. Having a fast page load equals revenue. Websites that have quick page loads rank well in search engines.
White hat
Ethical Hackers. A completely legal process since these hackers gain permission from the owner of the system to continue their actions of hacking in security holes.
Promoting products within your content in which consumers may purchase online. In return, you will receive a commission for every purchase.
Alt Text
Alternative Text. A word or phrase that serves as a substitute for an unavailable image in an HTML document. It aims to tell the visitor the nature of the supposed content.
Anchor Text
Characters and words that usually appear in blue with an underline, also labeled as hyperlinks that link to another location on your website. 
Marketing Persona. It gives the picture of your ideal customer by first focusing on one individual and their characteristics.
Blog Carnival
An activity that heavily boosts traffic to your blog. The host gathers relevant blog posts and proceeds to invite other bloggers to engage in writing on the same topics that link back to the main site.
Blog Feed
The stream of posts that are constantly updated when fresh content is posted
Blog Hopping
A social event where bloggers share links to their posts with each other for posting and supporting
An individual who’s in charge of writing material and content for blog posts.
Call to Action
CTA. It instructs the audience on what to do after reading the content. It could be to purchase an item or click another link that leads them to another location. This increases conversion rates.
These are stories, titles, or even videos that are written strategically for attracting as many readers and clicks as possible.
Collaborative Blog
A website that focuses on one topic with the content from a compilation of blogs from various bloggers.
Comment Spam
Spomment. Irrelevant replies on a blog entry.
Content Marketing
Creating and publishing valuable, suitable, and consistent content to attract profitable customer action.
Content Pillar
Subcategories of topics and themes that lead to the overall structure of your content and its strategy.
Their main role is to spearhead the content creation process in all its aspects of development, production, and analysis.
Editorial Calendar
An organized approach to writing, creating, and publishing content on your blog. This is a schedule of tasks and actions to take for maintaining consistency.
A graphical representation that considers the attributes of typeface, point size, weight, and design. Different software programs attain different types of fonts.
Font Style
A custom style sheet (CSS) property used in HTML that’s usually connected to an angle - either upright or slanted.
Font Weight
Focuses on the property of thickness in the character. It may come in many weights ranging from ultra-light to extra-bold.
This is a word, phrase, or even image that directs the user to a new web page. This process of link building is beneficial for strengthening the authority of your website.
Internal Linking
The act of hyperlinks linking one page to another although on the same domain
Lead Magnet
A strategy that involves incentives for potential buyers in exchange for their contact information. These incentives are usually trial subscriptions, free consultations, or samples.
Creating brief posts for short audience interactions. The content may just include an image, link, or just a sentence or two.
Leveraging your content to earn money when users consume it. A common example is the act of making consumers subscribe or creating membership content.
Companies distributing valuable informational content to their network of subscribers. The company has direct access to its customers’ inbox to consistently gear their content towards them. 
RSS Feed
Really Simple Syndication. A file that contains the details of every single piece of content that was published on the site.
Referral Traffic
Google’s system of tracking and reporting visits to your site from sources outside the search engine it’s based on.
The part of your website to place information that’s not the main focus in your website. Information, such as a mini-bio of the blogger, category lists, or subscription options is commonly placed here.
Stop Words
Common words, such as articles, pronouns, and conjunctions. These words are filtered out in the search engines’ queries and results but are vital in the optimization of a site.
Reiterated phrases that provide emphasis to the content’s idea and purpose. These slogans have the goal of being embedded in the minds of the readers.
Target Audience
The specific group of consumers that you would want your content to reach and be catered to. Your ad campaigns are directed to this group of people.
The measure and amount of time your website is up and running, available for your users.
The goal or result that the consumer has in mind when searching a query in a search engine. 
The building block of your website and the system of content management. This is an open software that any individual can utilize to create their website.
Under the web services of Adobe Inc, Adobe Acrobat is mainly utilized for creating and editing PDF Documents.
A tool that enables you to “spray” an image with the color of your choice. This feature is usually indicated as an icon of a paint can.
A design principle that deals with the proper placement of texts or graphics on a page. This creates balance, structure, and connections between the elements.
The method and art of creating special effects in which figures are operated to display as moving images.
the top point of an image where two strokes meet
Aspect Ratio
The ratio between the width and height of a rectangle. The values are often separated by a colon (6:8).
Heavyweight added to a typeface, which is usually used for emphasis.
Brand Identity
Consisting of visual elements that represent the company’s image.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key. These are colors used in the printing process to monitor the shades once the colors are combined.
Canvas Size
The size of an image will be when printed.
Complementary Colors
Colors that are located opposite or across from each other on the color wheel.
When two or more images on a page contain different elements. For instance, it could be different background colors.
The horizontal stroke across vertical stems. Specifically the horizontal line in letters, such as ‘H’ and ‘E’.
Drop Shadow
A visual effect that consists of a drawing or sketched feature which depicts the shadow of the image.
Basic units or the foundation of any design.
A character that’s composed of three dots.
The combination of links, images, or gifs into various web media that enhances visual elements.
Creating another dimension by raising the surface of your design to give it some depth.
Font Hierarchy
Utilizes typography to establish a hierarchical division between the selection of various fonts.
Font Weight
The thickness of a font considering the individual font and its different styles.
Graphics Interchange Format. A series of images that play on a loop continuously.
Graphic Overlays
Adding texture, or another image as an extra layer to the base picture using photoshop.
Visual images placed on surfaces. Certain images that are created by a computer are labeled as computer graphics.
A color palette that only uses black, white, and shades of grey. The most common example where this is used is in black and white films.
 It’s constructed from an even number of columns and rows, making it a guide for arranging elements with consistency.
Hex Code
A group of six-digit numbers used in design software applications that represent specific colors.
Simple, visual elements that represent features and functionalities. These icons are meant to be understood instantly.
Joint Photographic Experts Group. Compressed raw photos by digital cameras to make the file smaller in size.
Moments or important elements that are presented in a storyboard format. A timeline that marks the beginning or end of a transition.
The different levels where an image can be placed. These can be grouped or stacked together for them to be quickly edited or moved.
A heading on documents that aim to keep your brand consistent.
Invented in the 15th Century, this was the first method of printing. The process was to manually arrange the words and designs before pressing them against the paper.
The representation of a company using meaningful symbols, images, or marks.
By eliminating tonal changes, this shows the real color of an object or image since it’s the opposite of what’s seen in the shadows.
To initially see how the brand roll-out would look like. The design is often displayed as a 3D representation.
Collages that aid in the direction and inspiration of creating designs for a project.
The integration of various forms of media. It combines graphics with animation to create content for websites, films, or advertisements.
The transparency of an element of a design. Lower opacity results in higher transparency.
Portable Document Format. A file format that doesn’t affect the location and arrangement of elements in the document.
Page Layout
The arrangement of elements on a page. It displays how each page of your document will appear once printed.
The smallest unit of programmable color. Images contain an abundance of individual pixels.
Point size
The smallest unit of measure. This is used for measuring the font size and other elements on a printed page.
Quick Mask
A feature in Adobe Photoshop that allows you to protect a selected part of an image for it to not be affected in the editing process. 
Red, Green, and Blue. A model, when integrated, produces a wide arrangement of colors.
This determines the quality of an image. The higher the resolution, the higher the quality.
Royalty-Free Photos
 A special category of images. Individuals and businesses can use this particular image without the need for licensing fees or the payment of royalties.
Rule of Thirds
This begins by imagining a 3x3 grid on top of your image and once you notice the intersection points of the guidelines, you’ll be able to spot the prime focal areas of your design.
The opposite of Serif fonts. This type doesn’t include any extra curve at the ends of letters.
The intensity of a color. The higher the saturation, the more vivid the color appears.
The extra curve at the ends of letters.
Refining the edges of an image. It first corrects any forms of blur that were captured.
A small, rough draft of sketches on how the designer pictures their design to look.
 A set of characters that share a common design.
The design and specific selection of organizing letters and characters to visually display them upon a page.
Images that can scale in size without losing any quality. They’re comprised of curves, lines, and points.
Any image, logo, or design that has an evident level of transparency.
White space
Negative Space. The area of a design that’s left blank. This includes the space between graphic elements and images.
X - Height
Deals with the distance between the baseline and the line of lowercase letters comprised in a typeface.
Ambient Light
Available Light. Light without the use of any mode of flash or light modifiers.
The opening for light to pass through the lens to enter the camera.
A focusing system that automatically controls the optics in a lens to bring a subject into focus.
The separation between the subject and its background.
Total loss of highlight detail due to overexposure.
Circles or orbs that appear when the light of an image is out of focus.
Capturing the same shot multiple times, but with varied exposure, values to aid in the overall exposure of the scene.
Charge-Coupled Device. A semiconductor device that transforms optical images into electronic signals that are generated through rows and columns of pixels exposed to light.
Candid Photos
An image taken while the subject isn’t posing or at a fixed pose.
This focuses on the position of elements in a photo, leading the viewer along with the images that lead toward the main subject.
The difference between different hues or the shadows and lights of an image. A higher contrast leads to stronger textures and colors.
Adjusting or “cutting” the outside edges of an image, eliminating the unnecessary parts.
Dots per Inch, also referred to as Pixels per Inch. A printing term for resolution able to view images at magnifications.
Dedicated Flash
A flash unit that’s built to fit in your camera’s hot shoe.
A measure of the transmission of light in a particular part of transparency.
Depth of Field
DOF. The distance between the nearest and farthest that are within the range of the focused image. This is calculated based on aperture, focal distance, and the distance to the subject itself.
Diffused Lighting
Scattered light that’s evenly distributed making the intensity of light even.
Existing Light
Natural light.
The amount of light that reaches the image sensor of a camera determining the lightness or darkness of an image.
File Size
The number of pixels that the image contains.
Noise. The random optical texture on the surface of your image usually caused by a high setting of your ISO.
The brightest area or the bright spot in a photo usually created by intense illumination.
Hot shoe
Found at the top of the camera’s body, it’s the slot to insert an electronic flash or wireless transmitter.
International Organization for Standardization. Determines the sensor’s sensitivity to light.
Upscaling images to produce printing enlargements that have a higher quality
It’s used to set a fixed focal point where light would be directed to.
Light Meter
A device that measures the scene’s luminosity (perceived brightness) so that the best exposure value can be determined.
Macro Lens
An optic that has a very short focus distance which is often used for taking close-up photos.
Unit of measurement that describes the size of a camera’s sensor.
A strip of a plastic film where light areas appear the darkest and the dark areas appear the lightest.
Normal Lens
This type of lens produces a “natural” field of view with a focal length that’s equal to the diagonal of the film format.
Excessive Exposure. When too much light hits the film or camera sensor. This leads to a loss of detail over highlight areas.
Utilizing slow shutter speed, the camera moves in the same direction as the moving subject producing a visually appealing blurred background.
A photo captured in a horizontally elongated view that encompasses a wide area.
Program Exposure
The ability to control exposure time and aperture.
A device that’s used to reflect light is usually situated at the opposite side of the main light source.
The dimension that a camera sensor is capable of capturing, measured in megapixels.
The color intensity of an image that ranges from pure or vivid colors to muted colors.
Shutter Speed
The measurement of time that the camera sensor is open and exposed to light while taking a photo. Fast-moving shutter speeds result in photos without blur. 
Soft Lighting
A type of light that produces soft shadows with lower contrast and minimal texture.
Stopping Down
Closing down and reducing the aperture to a smaller opening.
Telephoto Lens
This type of lens produces a tighter field of view as opposed to a normal lens. It captures more magnified images.
Time Exposure
Long-Exposure. The use of a long-duration shutter speed that captures still elements while blurring the moving ones. This time is measured for the case of the film’s exposure to light.
The level of brightness in a photo. This can scale from dark tones to bright tones.
A three-legged device used to hold and keep a camera or phone in a steady position.
A photo appearing too dark since it was lacking in exposure.
When the corners or edges of an image appear desaturated.
White Balance
The act of adjusting the image to make up for the temperature of light that’s brightening the scene.
Wide-Angle Lens
A type of lens that features a wider field of view, unlike a normal lens
Zoom Lens
Optical Zoom. The modified focal length which makes the object or subject seem closer than it is.

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