Frequently Asked Questions


  • Deepconnex can accept payments through the following platforms:
    • Offline and Online Bank Deposits
    • GCash
    • Debit and Credit Card
    • Paypal
    • Checks

  • No, we don’t allow periodical payments for the service transactions. We mostly follow a 50% down payment and 50% upon completion. Otherwise, other payment terms and conditions can be settled still depending on the service and agreement between parties, which will be explicitly written in the contract before execution.

  • Yes, we always require down payments when a service is availed.

  • Yes, you may cancel the services that you have invested in. However, this will be followed by the refund policy of deepconnex that will also be explicitly stated in the contract before execution. This will vary for every client considering that there will be different project timelines and payment terms and conditions agreed as well.
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  • Glad you clicked this! Hover over the about page and select “Work With Us.” We would love to have you be a part of the deepconnex family.

  • You will be receiving an email that we have acknowledged your submission and that we will be getting back to you with a schedule of your interview.

  • Yes, there will be a contract signing stating the services invested in, to create transparency and agreement between deepconnex and the client.
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  • After submitting the form under “Work With Us” for your wanted position, you will be receiving an email that we have acknowledged your submission and that we will be getting back to you with a schedule of your interview.

  • You may schedule an appointment, send us an email, message us on our social media platforms, text us, or just give us a call!

  • You may send us an email or a text, 5 days in advance to cancel your scheduled appointment.

  • You will have a dedicated service manager for your specific service invested in. If you have invested in our full-blown digital marketing package, you will have your dedicated team who you may contact if you have any questions and/or suggestions.
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  • Yes, the deepconnex website is secured through an SSL Certificate. This certificate can be justified with the website URL of the company that begins with HTTPS. It helps secure all of the data that you have input in every form from the browser that you are using to our web server.
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Process and Progress

  • The data gathered will be reported and will be given insights and suggestions either daily, weekly, or monthly. If there are any concerns or abrupt suggestions/changes you would want to make, your service manager will be available to help you.

  • This would depend on the goals that you would want to reach for that specific service that you invested in.
  • Example: If you have invested in our Social Media Marketing services and are looking for conversions, leads, and an increase in brand awareness then our means of a successful Social Media Marketing Strategy would be related to your business having an increase in sales, establishing a higher online presence, and increasing the number of leads that your business can use overtime.
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